The value of RM 10.25....

 it's 220 Taka in Bangladesh.

And do you know how many mouths can you  feed by that amount of money in Bangladesh?

“8 orang makan pun aa tak habis”(Please read this by moving both your hands and head =D)

So I was told by a Bangladeshi waiter in Pizza Hut in Perangin. Upon hearing that, I lost my appetite. Seriously, how do you expect me to eat without feeling guilty? Knowing that how many mouths can be fed and how many stomachs can be filled has made me lost my appetite.

It was a Thursday after my appointment with my orthodontist that I decided to do a window shopping in Perangin. After going in and out of a few shops, I started to feel hungry. So, I decided to fulfil my craving for baked cheese rice and went in to Pizza Hut. I was greeted by a Bangladeshi waiter with a warm smile and,

Bangladeshi waiter: Satu orang makan?

Me : Yes.

Bangladeshi waiter : Oooo...Mana-mana duduk pun bole. Sini ka, situ ka.

I chose to sit at a table by a window. The Bangladeshi waiter came and handed me the menu. I staraight away ordered the baked cheese rice. The Bangladeshi waiter gave me a puzzled look and said :

Bangladeshi waiter : Tak mau makan Pizza ka?

Me : Tak mau. Mau ini ja.(while pointing at the baked cheese rice picture)

Bangladeshi waiter : Ini aa ade promosi pizza..murah-murah.

Me : Tak pe itu saja. Terima kasih.(Smiling)

With that, I pretended to look something in my bag and I guess he understood that that means end of conversation and walked away with my order and the menu. After he walked away, I took out a pamphlet that was handed to me when I was coming down from the escalator. Just when I looked up, I saw him coming towards me. When he reached at my table, he said:

Bangladeshi waiter : You kerja mana?

Me : Study.

Bangladeshi waiter: Kerja-kerja.Kerja mana?

(Seriously, do you need to repeat the word kerja? It was loud and clear and I do know what does kerja means)

Me : Study.

Bangladeshi waiter : lagi ka.

Me : *Smiles.

Bangladeshi waiter : Hari ni makan harga RM 10.25(writing in his note book).Ini macam punya harga tau brapa dekat Bangladesh??

Me : *Raising my eyebrows.

Bangladeshi waiter : 220.Ini macam punya banyak aa bole kasi 8 orang makan. 8 orang makan pun tak habis. You sini makan satu orang saja RM 10.25.

I said “Owh” and smiled. Seriously I don’t know how to reply.

Moral of the story: Do not go and dine in in a restaurant alone.=D

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